sight sing

Posts Tagged ‘sight sing’

7 Rests

The 7 rests are used to show silence in between notes that are played or sung. Learn how to recognize the rest value.

Notes On The Staff

How do you know what to sing when you see the notes placed on the music staff? We will walk you through this process to see what is involved.

7 Letters

The 7 letters that make up our music system are the first 7 letters of the alphabet. Here you will learn how these work and where they are located.

Intro To Beginner Level

A summary to learn how to sight read and learn the basics of theory.

Alternating Melodic Minor-Fast-(Advanced Level)

Singing the melodic minor scale at a fast tempo while alternating leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers.

Alternating Harmonic Minor-Fast-(Advanced Level)

Singing the harmonic minor scale while alternating at a fast tempo leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers.

Alternating Harmonic Minor-Medium-(Advanced Level)

Singing the harmonic minor scale while alternating at a medium tempo leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers.

Alternating Harmonic Minor-Slow

Singing the harmonic minor scale while alternating at a slow tempo leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers.

Alternating Natural Minor-Fast-(Advanced Level)

Singing the natural minor scale at a fast tempo while alternating and leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers.

Alternating Natural Minor-Slow(Intermediate Level)

Singing the natural minor scale while alternating and leaving out 1,2 and 3 numbers at a slow tempo.


2/4, 3/4 time, tied notes.

Recognizing Note Number With Accidentals

Included here are different methods of identifying where the notes belong in the scale structure.