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Professional Vocal Coach and Session Singer Gerald White offers a large variety of options to help guide you on your journey learning to sing. Whether you are at the beginner level and just starting out, or you consider yourself advanced and are simply looking for resources to help you practice, LASightSinger is for you.

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How LASightSinger Works

For those who are serious about continuing their growth, Gerald has personally curated a One Year Lesson Plan to help your sight singing journey long-term. This starts off in the Beginner Level, and will take you all the way through the Intermediate and Advanced Levels.

Click on a section to sample the first few lessons for FREE


Beginner Level


Intermediate Level


Advanced Level

Self-Guided Learning

There are a number of exercises to help you sigh read music. These can be used regardless of your level, and are also great for ear training! Most clips include different speeds at which to practice. Or if you’re simply looking for a selection of resources to explore at your leisure, then we’ve got you covered as well! Hundred’s of materials in either audio or video formats for you to peruse at your own pace.

Practice Exercises

Audio Exercises

Practice Exercises

Video Exercises

Target Your Weak Spots

If you are struggling in a specific area, you can look through “putting it all together” and find specific exercises to help you target your problem areas! Rhythm even has its own dedicated practice section. The One Year Lesson Plan is also a great way to get full coverage over any topic you might need help with.

Target Area

Rhythm Practice

Target Area

Putting It All Together

Target Area

One Year Lesson Plan

Premium Resources

SightSinger Pro Members get access to several more categories of exercises! If you’re simply looking for more practice, in a fun format, consider signing up for the SightSinger Pro level, where you’ll also get access to hundreds premium exercises including “Name That Tune” and Weekly Dictation.

Gerald’s Pro members also get access to Gerald personally! Once a month, Gerald hosts a Q/A where he answers any and all of your questions! Whether they are about the site and how to use it, help with a specific exercise in it, or simply vocal tips, you don’t want to miss this exclusive opportunity!

Name That Tune

Michael Jackson

Members Only

+80 More Name That Tune exercises

Weekly Dictation

6/8 Time

Members Only

+68 More Weekly Dictation exercises

Vocal Tips

Vocal Nodules

Members Only

+16 More Vocal Tips

Start a 7 Day Free Trial

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Or… Take the Fast Track

Schedule a 1-on-1 Lesson with Gerald White.

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