Jake Moulton talks about what it is like using
his skills of beat boxing and singing to further
his career. His musicianship has played a huge
role in his ability to get work as a performer as
well as a writer and arranger.
Guest Interview
Here you will listen to what working singers, producers, directors and other music professionals have to say about the music industry as they share their experiences.
This section is packed full of great information you might take with you on your musical journey!!
GI-Special Guest Jake Moulton
GI-Interview With Valerie Lipson Perri
Valerie shares her experience and the value of
saying YES. She also gives an inside look at
having a career while raising kids and maintaining
a balanced life.
GI-Interview With Fletcher Sheridan
Fletcher, one of the youngest and most talented tenors I
know, explains how to move forward without fear. he also
explains his journey and hopefully will shed some light on
the process for the young singers of today.